Friday, May 13, 2011

Emerson waving and she has teeth folks!

Emerson and Daddy sent me a video while I was away attending my niece's recital. We were teaching her all day how to wave and of course, when I leave, she starts waving! Luckily Uncle Eric got it on tape and sent it to me. Our babe has also cut her two front bottom teeth. She is eating a bunch of solid foods and is getting very quick with her crawling. She immediately brings herself to a stand and cruises on the couch back and fourth. She is a little genius! (haha, had to say that!). Everyone tells me that you can't wait for them to walk, and when they do, you wish you hadn't hoped for that just yet. Of course, I can't wait for her to walk! Oh and she is saying Mama!!! How special do I feel now that I rank up there with Dada?!

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