Emerson got to meet Santa for the first time last night. We waited in line for about 2 hours and she waited patiently with us the whole time and didn't make a peep. I think her being in daycare all day and watching the kids has made her very patient and curious. She just looked around and watched everyone in line until it was her turn. She didn't cry and sat there like she was a little bored. It was so cute! We at least know she isn't scared of Santa.....yet:)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Emerson Laughing
Emerson is laughing and eating rice cereal already. She was even holding the spoon and putting it in her mouth, so she totally gets it. She is going to be a good eater! She is already 4 months old. It is so fun to watch her grow up. Of course we think she is the smartest baby around:)
Friday, November 19, 2010
We got Emerson baptized on Sunday. She did very well through the whole service, but as soon as we got up in front of everyone, she wasn't too happy:) She cried for a little bit then someone (I wasn't even paying attention to who) brought up her bottle and she was happy once again! This girl loves to eat, that is for sure. We had a little gathering at our house afterwards and managed to fit about 40 people in our little home. Now we know that we can host Thanksgiving and Christmas sometime. hehe. Our little babe is getting so big so fast and she is so close to belly laughing. Dennis zerberts her armpit and she almost lets out the laugh. We know she wants to so it will be very soon.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Emerson rolled over!
Our little babe rolled over on Sunday night. She rolled over once and we grabbed the video camara and she wasn't too happy to be doing it, but she kept it up so we had to video tape it. I went back to work on Monday so I think she rolled over just for me so I could feel better going back to work:) It was a long week being away from her, but she seems to be doing well at daycare. They had a Halloween party today and she wore her first costume (black cat) and she got a lot of candy to bring home to mom and dad:). Emerson was 12 weeks already on Monday. She is sleeping through the night (and has been for about 3 weeks) and is the best baby around! We love her so.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We just got Emerson's Halloween costume. She is going to be our little butterball butterfly! I can't believe she is already going to be 2 months old tomorrow (October 2nd). She is growing so fast. I already go back to work on October 25th and that is just too soon. She can hold her head up by herself (with a little bobble) and she is cooing and smiling up a storm! It is amazing the things she does everyday and I get to see every bit of it for now. She is our pride and joy!
Friday, August 27, 2010
More pictures
We got our newborn picture CD from the best photographer ever. Here are some more pictures. Emerson is doing great and starting to smile more and more. She is sleeping soundly now and we are have a park date today with Angie Healy and the Healy boys. Enjoy the day!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Emerson Edna Fogarty

Emerson Edna Fogarty was born on 08/02/2010 at 2:17pm. She was 8lbs and 20 1/2 inches long. I was in labor for about 20 hours and was sent home twice before they finally admitted me the third time going to the hospital. I swore I was not going home when we were on our way the third time! Emerson came into the world on Monday and we couldn't be happier. She was healthy and perfect! She is now two weeks old and a very good sleeper. She has gone a couple different nights at 5-6 hour intervals. I'm still up every 2-3 hours, but she is content and my little sleeper! She loves to look around and stare when she is awake and I got 2 real smiles out of her today. I tried to get a picture but just wasn't fast enough to catch it. I know I will get that picture soon though! Emerson hates to be naked and needs to be bundled up all the time or she gets a little unhappy. Dad is a pro at changing her diapers because moms hands are always cold:) He is the best daddy around! Auntie Angie took some of Emerson's first pictures and did such a wonderful job.
Here are a few of them.
Here are a few of them.
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